End of the trimester

This week I’ve had a final presentation and a project in addition to my regular classes. We are finally in the final weeks of this trimester. It is very different at ESSEC than back home at NHH (Norwegian School of Economics). At NHH we also had final presentations and projects but we also had final exams in addition to these. Here at ESSEC I haven’t had, or won’t have, any final exams. Im not complaining about that, but I have to admit that it is a little strange that 80% of the final grade is based on group projects and presentations, without any individual assignment (The last 20% being participation). In one of the courses I have one group assignment, that we’ve presented already, and one individual assignment. This makes more sense to me as you’ll at least have some way to see what level of knowledge the student has. When its only group projects its possible to do the tasks you’re assigned in the project the wrong way, because someone will still correct it for you if it’s wrong. Thus, someone who hasn’t learned anything from the course can still get a good grade simply because the students on his or her group “bailed” them out.

Luckily Ie been working on the projects throughout the whole trimester, so it’s not like I have too much to do these final weeks. But as it is with most tasks, theres always room for improvement. So right now, it’s a mix of feeling that I am done with the projects and knowing that I only have 1 week left, so I should take the time to see where the papers can be improved.

In other news, our girl Kareezia arrived to Paris on Monday. She’s from San Francisco, wrong side of the bridge but close enough (Oakland being on the other side -> Raider Nation). We studied together at INSEEC back in 2015. Its great to have her back here in Paris. We’ve spent some time catching up, but unfortunately this is one of the busiest weeks of this spring, so I haven’t been able to spend too much time with her yet. The good thing is that she’s here for one more week, so hopefully Ill be done with my tasks by Friday so that we can all go out and celebrate this weekend.


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